About Us

If education does not improve a student’s ability to think critically or enhance their quality of life, and help them engage their community and household, we have to question the value of that education.

The mission of MSTC is to provide Culturally Centered Education to students and community members who wish to engage in learning that is fun, practical, relevant, inspirational and meaningful.

Our school is backed by expert Culturally Centered educators from all over the world who provide curriculum and support. The following quote from one of our African centered curriculum addresses why we founded MSTC:

“As more emphasis is placed on culturally centered and relevant education,

the curriculum and resources students are exposed to have been called into question. Specifically, communities have demanded that educational curriculums and resources include all groups’ histories and intellectual and cultural contributions, representing a shift away from the one mainly centered on European history and culture. The acknowledgement that all cultures have contributed expert knowledge across academic disciplines must not be ignored or hidden from students, families, and broader society. We wish to use our knowledge, materials and resources to promote inclusive educational practices across all levels of schooling.”

At MSTC our work is designed to reveal melanated people’s contribution to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, art, music, politics, philosophy, and other disciplines.

We believe in holistic education that involves the whole child and the entire community. We look forward to Manifesting, Studying, Teaching and Creating with you!